Learn, Develop and Share Experiences Together...
Spiritual Courses, Tailored To Meet Your Needs...
The Divine Mystic Lodge offer spiritual courses for interested individuals. Our courses are focused, subject oriented and it’s aimed at equipping the aspirant with both the theoretical and practical knowledge to help them develop spiritually. Some courses are also designed to meet specific demands and expectations of the aspiring seeker to help them achieve the necessary knowledge they may need to become spiritualists and etc. We offer a variety of courses and a few of the general courses are outlined below.
You can Contact Us if you are interested in any of our courses.

Fundamentals Of Spiritual Development
Subjects Includes:
What, When and How?
Alters and their importance.
Uses of Candles, Oils and Incenses explained.
Order of Prayers, tips and more.

Divination In Theory & In Practice
Subjects Includes:
Ritual Geomancy (Ifa)
Tarot Reading
Nature Cowries
Numerology and Astrology
Dreams and Palmistry.

The Secret Art Of Meditation
You will learn and master techniques like:
Asana and Pranayama
Yama and Niyama
Pratyahara and Dharana
Dhyana and Samadhi, etc!

Training & Apprenticeship
Become one of the following:
Spiritualist and Consultant
Traditional Priest
Biblical Priest and many more…
An in-depth spiritual training under the supervision of a master.